
Verifications.io database download
Verifications.io database download

However, Dynarisk CEO, Andrew Martin, also analyzed the data and came to the conclusion that on the one server exposed to the web there were actually four databases not just the one. The 'mailEmailDatabase' contained three sections: Emailrecords, emailWithPhone and businessLeads containing that data. Diachenko reported, working alongside researcher Vinny Troia, that a total of 808,539,939 records had been leaked. This company validates bulk email lists for companies wanting to remove inactive addresses from newsletter mailouts. After doing some more investigative work, Diachenko was able to track the database back to the Verifications IO enterprise email validation service. Having cross-referenced the data, sitting there in plain text, with the have i been pwned site, Diachenko was able to conclude this was fresh to the market new information and not just a dump of previously breached data as has been seen with the recent Collection 1 leak. According to Bleeping Computer an unprotected MongoDB database was discovered by security researcher Bob Diachenko.

Verifications.io database download